Openness and Transparency
Look for the best airfare possible using different platforms whether directly through the airline, Kayak, Orbitz, or other. Please don’t book business or first class.
Avoid eating at super-fancy 4-star restaurants.
Use reduced-rated conference hotel blocks when possible, and reasonable off-site hotels. Wherever you stay, please inquire about tax exemptions for nonprofit organizations. Some states will remove taxes from the hotel bill for nonprofit organizations.
When using Uber or Lyft, please try to coordinate rides with other team members. Transportation adds up quickly!
Please use Uber or Lyft only when needed. If it is less expense to drive yourself, please do so and submit for reimbursement using the IRS-determined reimbursement rate for the year.
Platform Services and At-Home Internet and Computers
Tidepoolers - please use Expensify to submit reimbursable expenses. Reimbursable expenses are due no later than the 5th of the following month. All reimbursement requests must be accompanied by receipts. Please ensure ALL FIELDS are up to date on your Expensify report and you’ve coded each expense. Any incomplete Expense reports will be returned for correction. Questions on how to submit receipts? Unsure how to code your receipts? Please reach out to the VP of Finance directly. Thanks!
For international team members who submit for reimbursement for expenses paid in non-US currency, Tidepool will reimburse in US dollars based on the published exchange rate, on the day of repayment. If that exchange rate results in the loss of funds from the date of purchase, Tidepool will compensate for the difference. Reimbursements for international team members should be done through Bill by using the email Please clearly put a line item for each expense. Receipts are required for reimbursement.
All external invoices [non-Tidepoolers, contractors, and third-party providers] should be directed to